Both the men and women's associations are given budgets/funds, these amounts differ and are going to be the canon amounts. So for the Women's association their monthly budget is 250,000kan and the Men's association's budget is 90,000kan. At the beginning of every month the groups will be given thier budget, if they should not spend it all for that month the balance will carry over.
Now everything the associations spend their money on must be kept in the records of the budget, if the group fails to keep there ledgers accurate the person in charge of that will be fired and the group punished this is simply fair. Any cheating found such as miscalculating funds will be dealt with (use a calculator people xD).
Events may be planned among the association in meetings and pm's, this includes fund-raisers. However the idea will need to be run by me first to ensure it is appropriate. Also i will act as the pricer xD for example if the group needed to buy food for 100 people, the leader would need to PM me and i would give them the cost they would incur to do so. or for something they sell i would say how much they would earn per item and then at the end of the month for example i would make a figure up. Now i hear you saying but your going to be unfair to the men association and that is a valid point. However i am above that and have many other mods to make sure i don't be so.
Each group will need to be seen to be active every month, that doesn't mean big events each month that means meetings etc.
Remember you need to prove each month you are the best association.