This site entertains a code of conduct that members are expected to follow. This is primarily a matter of etiquette: we want this forum to be fun for everyone, and a civil community is an important part of that. The staff reserves the right to punish or expel any player who is in violation of these rules.
1. Treat other players (including staff members) with respect.
2. No OOC racism, sexism, or other forms of discrimination or spreading of hateful speech will be tolerated.
3. There is a line between persistence and harassment. If someone asks you to leave them alone, you should. The staff takes all complaints of harassment very seriously.
4. Do not add copyrighted or otherwise plagiarized content to our website.
5. Do not link to, add, or advertise warez or stolen video or content to our website.
6. Use of obscene words is acceptable, but not necessarily encouraged. In order to play this game and enjoy all facets of its nature, one must have a sufficiently mature mind. Gratuitous and unnecessary use of obscenities, however, is discouraged and will be handled properly.
7. OOC should stay OOC, and IC should stay IC. If something happens to your character, do not take it personally, nor should you use OOC knowledge to further your PC's agenda.
8. Powergaming is no fun for everyone else. Don't go around self-modding your character so that he's the only one who gets to do awesome stuff.
9. Similarly, respect the game world. Although this is a fantasy setting, we expect a certain amount of realism. New nations do not appear out of nowhere, nor do governments topple for no reason. Every event IC should have a rational explanation within the game world. In other words, no god-modding.
10. Do not bring up your issues with other members publicly on the forum. Contact a moderator instead. The forum is not a place to act on your personal vendettas and issues. This includes stuff you've read in IM, disagreements about roleplay, and things like that.
12. Remember, this is a game. We're all here to have fun.
Breaking any of the above rules may result in an administrator placing a warning on the user's account.